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Every style you see here below is a combination of the exterior and interior materials with a nice handle and smart interior layout that we customise for you.

When it comes to the final product it is all down to the complexity of the interior layout and your choice of materials.

Your budget is your choice.

The more interesting and unusual texture you choose, the bigger budget you'll need. Here are the materials options available for you from low to high-level budget:

1. Plain colour MFC,

2. Wood Veneer look MFC,

3. Linen Look MFC,

4. Special: wood and linen look MFC,

5. Perfect Matt polymer smooth MDF,

6. Spray painted smooth Matt MDF - with colour to your choice

7. Natural Wood Veneer - oiled, stained to your choice

8. Spray painted high gloss MDF - with colour to your choice

9. Natural wood Veneer in high gloss finish

For the interior, our clients usually go for MFC finish. Depending on the budget it can be anything from plain colour MFC to special wood-like or linen MFC, these are the materials from level 1 to 4.

Exterior options are the same, but the use of those is different. The exterior is the look of your wardrobe from outside. This is where you want to have it look nice and classy. At the end of the day it is all about how it makes you feel and if it gives you joy. You can go for a budget option, choosing materials from level 1 to 3, but most probably you will want to have it in the option from level 4 - 6. These are the ones that are in most of our styles.

When it comes to choosing a handle, most of the handles will land under the budget from £5 to £60 per handle. Standard and metal handles will be in the lower range. Routed, inset and wooden handles will be at the upper range.

Now the layout. We are not limited to certain sizes.

There are standards like 2.36m high, 56cm deep and a minimum of 35cm wide wardrobe, but you don't have to stick with it, we customise these standards to your needs.

So it is easier for you, we do have some pre-set layout ideas that we've developed over the years. You can simply choose the one you like. Alternatively, we'll re-arrange it just for your proportions.

Please note, the more ideas and alterations you bring to the table, the higher budget your end product will require. Everything is possible but not everything is easily feasible.

We are a relatively affordable small boutique wardrobe maker and will be happy to make wardrobes for you within a radius of our existing styles.

Let us know which ones you like and we'll be happy to make one or many like that for you.

Best regards,

Brightman Team

t: 020 3906 6980

m: 079 0352 9466